If you were to travel around the world, the word “science” might look or sound very different. In Spanish, it’s ciencia. In Japanese, 理科. In German, wissenschaft! And in French…
By Will Ferguson, WSU College of Arts and Sciences PULLMAN, Wash. – Aurora Clark, a WSU professor of chemistry, has been named a Fellow of the American Chemical Society.
PULLMAN, Wash. – We’ve got about three pounds of brain in our heads that help us look for answers and solve all kinds of problems. But it isn’t always easy. Sometimes an experiment doesn’t go the way I expect or I get stuck on a particularly tricky science question.
PULLMAN, Wash. – Rabies vaccine work by professors Thumbi Mwangi and Felix Lankester to address the problem of infectious diseases crossing borders in Kenya, Tanzania and throughout Africa is part of a comprehensive article in the recent issue of Science magazine.
PULLMAN, Wash. – The mix of art and science in the laboratory will yield fun results with the help of Washington State University Museum of Art student interns 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 3, at the Palouse Discovery Science Center in Pullman.
PULLMAN, Wash. – A dialogue about God, science and the nature of reality between a Washington State University philosophy professor and a chemist from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology will be at 8 p.m. Wednesday, March 2, in the CUB auditorium. A Q&A session and reception will follow.
By C. Brandon Chapman, College of Education PORT TOWNSEND, Wash. – Washington State University alumna and Port Townsend science teacher Lois Sherwood is among the statewide winners who will compete nationally for the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching.
PULLMAN, Wash. – Faculty can apply by Aug. 21 for an Oct. 21-23 workshop on how to effectively share key information from their research and professional activities through media and policymakers.
PROSSER, Wash. – Research posters, presentations, awards and lunch will be presented free to the public 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Wednesday, July 1, at the Walter Clore Center, 2140 Wine Country Rd., to showcase research from the Washington State University Irrigated Agriculture Research and Extension Center in Prosser (IAREC).
By Eric Sorensen, WSU science writer PULLMAN, Wash. – Two Washington State University students have been chosen to visit Washington, D.C., next month for “Making Our CASE,” a three-day program to learn about science policy and advocate for research support. Students will practice what they learn while visiting with members of Congress and staffers.