PULLMAN, Wash. – The annual universitywide benefits open enrollment period begins today, Nov. 1, and runs through Nov.30 for employees enrolled on Public Employee Benefits.
PULLMAN, Wash. – Open enrollment Nov. 1-30 is the one time of year when employees can make changes to and enroll in certain benefits for the upcoming plan year.
PULLMAN, Wash. – Washington State University employees must respond to questions regarding health benefits this spring or risk being assessed a surcharge or missing out on a financial incentive.
HR Essentials is a new monthly information feature from WSU Human Resource Services (HRS) that highlights resources and services for faculty, staff and students. The first installment, below, focuses on resources to help employees and students deal with uncertainty and change, especially during times of challenge and stress: • The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) helps with […]
The Public Employees Benefits Board (PEBB) recently mailed employees the official announcement for Open Enrollment 2009. Employees are encouraged to read this information to be aware of changes to their premiums, and some minor changes in their benefits packages to determine if they need or want to change plans. For more information, visit www.hrs.wsu.edu/openenrollment.
WSU employees can change medical/dental plans, enroll eligible dependants, and enroll/re-enroll in the flexible spending and dependent care plans. Information will be coming to all employees in the mail from the Public Employees Benefits Board (PEBB) about plan options, benefit changes and how to make online changes to coverage. Some benefit changes for […]
The annual Employee Benefits Fair for the Pullman campus will be noon-3 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 29, French Ad/Lighty second floor atrium. More than 30 vendors will be available to answer questions about plans and changes. For more information, contact Human Resource Services at 335-4521.
If you’ve had a recent change in your family, your insurance and retirement benefits might need alteration as well. Marriage, divorce, new children and children no longer eligible for coverage could make an adjustment timely. To add new eligible dependents, you must send a completed Employee Enrollment/Change form and appropriate dependent certification form(s), […]
The end of the year is approaching, but you still have time to maximize your supplemental retirement savings and ease your income tax burden for 2007. Tax law for 2007 allows employees under age 50 to save up to $15,500 tax-deferred savings through these supplemental accounts. Employees 50 and over can save up to $20,500. With […]