
Head blows in contact sports not child’s play

By Linda Weiford, WSU News SPOKANE, Wash. – Hoping to address concussion concerns and declining participation, the youth arm of the NFL in September will roll out a pilot program that alters how football is played by its youngest athletes. USA Football aims to reduce the head-banging force of the game by testing a new […]

WSU researchers find inaccuracies in head impact sensors

By Tina Hilding, Voiland College of Engineering & Architecture PULLMAN, Wash. – With increasing concern about concussions from sports, some players have started wearing electronic sensors to measure head impacts.

Strong neck may not help against concussion

Strength training paired with improved flex- ibility may reduce concussions in young athletes. (Photo Rick Gomez/Blend Images) PULLMAN, Wash. – Popular thought says that neck strength helps prevent concussions. But that’s not what recent research at Washington State University reveals. “It appears from the youth research and the football player research that I have done, […]