Notice of Audit Activity

In accordance with the FY 14 Internal Audit plan, this is a notice of planned audit procedures. Please provide this notice to all employees in your area who may be responsible for the noted audit areas.

Because there are multiple departments/units where the audit review will include only a few employees or records, department entrance meetings will not be conducted for each location. Units and individuals selected for testing will be given at least five days’ notice prior to audit, with the exception of cash counts which are conducted on a surprise basis. During initial contact and at conclusion of review, we will also alert the responsible supervisor and AFO.

Audit areas include:

Cash handling, Purchasing Cards and Travel activity

Audit procedures include: Review of controls over cash and receipt activities at decentralized locations. Purchasing card and travel transactions will be reviewed to ensure they are allowable, reasonable, properly supported and the expenditures are in compliance with applicable University policy. Please contact Internal Audit for any questions, 335-6798.

Contact: Lenka Perkins

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