Distinguished panel discusses sustainability and Earth Day

Listen as a distinguished panel discusses sustainability through biochar and how the upcoming “Pizza for the Planet” event will produce it!

The event is on Thursday, April 20, from 3–4 p.m. in the Compton Union Building, Room LL60 (Butch’s Den), on the Pullman campus.

This discussion examines biochar — a charcoal-like substance made from burning organic material (also known as ‘biomass’) a safe and controlled process called pyrolysis. During pyrolysis, organic materials, such as used pizza boxes, are burned in a container with little oxygen. The organic material is then converted into biochar — a very stable form of carbon — almost none of which is released into the atmosphere. The heat created during pyrolysis can then be captured and used as a form of clean energy.

This event is part of the Center for Civic Engagement’s (CCE) monthly Public Square discussions. The CCE also wants to hear from you. There will be a live Q&A session where panelists will take your questions about issues that matter most to you. Please register for the event to learn more.

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Incoming provost shares message

T. Chris Riley-Tillman shared his plans to host college-wide meetings this fall as part of a message to WSU faculty system-wide Monday afternoon. His first day is July 1.