GPSA sponsors raft trip on the Salmon River

PULLMAN -The Graduate & Professional Student Association is sponsoring a Northwest Voyageurs Rafting Adventure on the Salmon River on August 8.   Graduate and professional students are offered a reduced price of $20.00. Faculty and staff are encouraged to participate but will need to pay the full trip fee of $80.00. the GPSA is also […]

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Accepting nominations for TA/RA and Advisor awards

The Graduate and Professional Student Association (GPSA) is accepting nominations for faculty members and students who have demonstrated excellence in their roles as Advisors, Teaching Assistants (TA) and Research Assistants (RA).   Nominate a TA, RA or Advisor for the spring 2009 Excellence Awards. Nominations for TA/RA and Advisor awards will be accepted online from […]

Expo displays student work

Photo: Kyle Caires from the Department of Animal Science presents his research on stem cell and sperm production. (Photo by Jessica Fitts, WSU Today intern). Washington State University graduate and professional students showcased their research at the 2007 Dr. William R.Wiley Exposition on Tuesday in Beasley Coliseum. Students submitted a 250 word abstract before being accepted to […]

Programs hailed as prototypes

As faculty and administration turn to the task of improving graduate education (see related article above), the students themselves have been achieving success on many fronts. A case in point is WSU’s Graduate and Professional Student Association (GPSA), whose members earned two national awards this year and whose president, DaVina Hoyt, is the new vice […]