environmental research

May 13: Workshop to identify fundable environment research

PULLMAN, Wash. – Research that links food, energy and water (FEW) issues is expected to be a top priority for funding agencies in coming years. In preparation, a one-day workshop for Washington State University faculty to identify research initiatives will be held Wednesday, May 13, in CUB 204 and 206.

National Science Foundation presents research

Faculty, specifically those with an environmental research interest, can attend two workshops that will explore major interdisciplinary research and graduate education proposal opportunities. The workshops are hosted by the Center for Environmental Research, Education and Outreach (CEREO). “I’m very excited that we can have presentations from two National Science Foundation program directors,’’ says George Mount, CEREO […]

CEREO seeks faculty, plans events

  Faculty who are pursuing an environmental research or teaching agenda are being recruited to join CEREO, the Center for Environmental Research, Education and Outreach (ONLINE @ www.cereo.wsu.edu). Although 135 have joined since CEREO was approved by the Faculty Senate in April 2006, there are another 50 environmentally focused faculty who are not participating, said […]