Moving into new College of Nursing

Two years after groundbreaking, the WSU College of Nursing recently moved into the new Nursing Building on the WSU Spokane Riverpoint campus.
The college’s 600 or so Spokane students will begin classes there in spring semester, and the building will be dedicated sometime in the spring.
The $34.6 million building first received a legislative appropriation during the 2003-05 biennium. The building’s 89,000 square feet house state-of-the-art distance learning classrooms to support the college’s statewide mission; a nursing practice laboratory; technology for patient simulation; computer and multimedia laboratories and classrooms; research team space for data analysis; and offices for college administration, support staff and faculty.
Federal funding of $1.3 million helped equip the building with the latest technologies for research, instruction and communication, including the human patient simulation lab.
Carol Johns (Photos by Corinne Vaughn,
WSU Spokane)

Karen Malone

Sue Perkins

John Roll

Kathy Thistle

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