Updated information on the new 1095 tax forms

The new 1095 Tax Forms are on the way! The Health Care Authority (HCA) is scheduled to begin sending the 1095-C forms by the end of February or early March.  This form will be sent to all employees enrolled in a Uniform Health Plan, as well as to any employee, regardless of their insurance enrollment, who worked 130 hours or more for at least one month in 2015.  Kaiser and Group Health plans have already begun to send their 1095-B forms to their participants. The 1095 forms are required to be sent out to employees by March 31.

The IRS has clarified you do not need your 1095-B or 1095-C forms to file your taxes. If you have been covered on an employer sponsored health plan all of 2015 you will simply indicate that on your 1040 form or if you file online you will just answer that question as ‘yes’. Your do not need to submit a 1095 form with your tax filing, but will need to save the 1095 form(s) with all of your tax documents in case of future IRS audits. Here is a link to the IRS website that provides more detailed information: https://www.irs.gov/Affordable-Care-Act/Questions-and-Answers-about-Health-Care-Information-Forms-for-Individuals

Additional information can be found on the HRS 1095 informational website: http://hrs.wsu.edu/ACAForm1095

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