‘Translating Critical Periods: Biological Basis and Reversibility’ — May 14 at 12:10 p.m.

Dr. Takao Hensch — professor of molecular cellular biology and neurology at Harvard University — will be visiting WSU Spokane for the TMP/SPRC Seminar Series. His seminar, entitled “Translating Critical Periods: Biological Basis and Reversibility,” will be in person in the Spokane Center for Clinical Research and Simulation room 250 and through Zoom on Tuesday, May 14, 12:10–1 p.m.

Takao Hensch is a joint professor at Harvard’s Center for Brain Science and at Boston Children’s Hospital. Harvard and University of Tokyo UCSF graduate and former Fulbright Fellow, Hensch helped launch the RIKEN Brain Science Institute as laboratory head for neuronal circuit development and critical period mechanisms research before returning to Harvard in 2006. He directs the NIMH Silvio Conte Center for Mental Health Research and leads and advises global research networks such as the International Research Center for Neurointelligence, CIFAR Child Brain Development network, NCCR Synapsy, and National Scientific Council. Dr. Hensch has received several honors, including the Sackler Prize, NIH Director’s Pioneer Award, and Young Investigator Awards from the Society for Neuroscience both in the U.S. and Japan while serving on various editorial boards, such as chief editor for Frontiers in Neural Circuits.

We look forward to you joining us in person (SCCRS 250) or through Zoom!

Questions/Zoom link? Contact Michelle Sanchez at michelle.r.sanchez@wsu.edu.

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