Research opportunity: Everyday memory strategies

Are you interested in learning more about your cognitive abilities? Do you have helpful memory strategies that you would like to share with researchers? The Washington State University Neuropsychology & Aging Lab is currently recruiting participants for a study examining how individuals complete important daily activities, and what sort of memory strategies or aids people commonly use to support successful completion of these tasks.

You may be a good fit for this study if you are at least 50 years old and have access to a computer with a webcam and microphone to participate in Zoom meetings. Sessions can be completed from the comfort of your home! Study tasks include completing an initial telephone screening interview to determine if you are eligible for the study, participating in two 3-hour testing sessions through Zoom, and completing a packet of questionnaires about your health and everyday cognitive abilities. Payments include a cash honorarium of up to $100 and a free neuropsychological report about your cognitive health.

For more information, please call 509-335-4033.

This project has been reviewed and approved by the Washington State University Institutional Review Board for human subject participation.

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