Relationship between speaking and writing foreign languages explored

Washington State University Humanities Fellow Michael Hubert will discuss “The Development of Speaking and Writing of Foreign Language in Academia” at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, April 2, in the Honors Hall Lounge.  Hubert said, “The relationship between the development of speaking and writing proficiencies in second and foreign language acquisition is, at present, poorly understood and information on the limited amount of available research on this topic has yet to be widely disseminated.”  His lecture will report on a longitudinal research study tracking the development of speaking and writing proficiencies in Chinese, French, German, Japanese, and Spanish students over several years.  The event is the final presentation in the inaugural Humanities Fellow Lecture Series and is hosted by the Humanities Planning Group, with support from the College of Arts and Sciences.  To read Dr. Hubert’s abstract and for more information about the group, visit

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Light posting ahead due to July 4 holiday

The WSU News team will be taking a break to observe the July 4 holiday along with the rest of the university community. Fresh posting to WSU Insider returns on Monday.

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WSU takes to the road

A new event series that began last fall is taking university representatives such as President Kirk Schulz on the road to visit alumni, potential students, and other members of the extended WSU community.

Allick appointed to the Washington State Dementia Action Collaborative

With this appointment, Cole Allick, faculty in IREACH and College of Medicine, will help ensure that the needs of Native communities are integrated into the state’s plan to address Alzheimer’s and dementia.