Pullman campus S&A fall meeting announcement

S&A fees are paid by each student for the purpose of providing non-academic programs and services for all students at Washington State University. The term “services and activities fees” or “S&A fees” is defined to mean fees, other than tuition fees, charged to all students registering at a WSU campus. S&A fees are used to fund student activities and programs, student buildings and similar uses. Authorized under RCWs 28B:15:041-045.

Each student organization that received allocations for Academic Year 2020-2021 will provide  updated budget information and provide a 15-minute presentation to the committee on one of the following dates:

Tuesday, October 13, from 4:20-7:20 p.m. via Zoom: https://wsu.zoom.us/j/93621856237?pwd=bFFnK1JXekhSZEIwZ0pITkJCQlU3dz09

Thursday, October 15, from 4:20-7:20 p.m. via Zoom: https://wsu.zoom.us/j/97379343133?pwd=bjViS3p0cnl0eE9kT1EydFgvVXR3Zz09

All a materials are due to Emily Green (ewgreen@wsu.edu) no later than Monday, October 12th.

The S&A Fee Committee will consider a revision of the Pullman S&A Fee rate and allocations approved in Spring 2020 in order to make a recommendation to university leadership as outlined in the August 7, 2020 communication to students regarding mandatory fees. This review will take place over two nights:

Tuesday, October 20, from 4:30-7:30 p.m. via Zoom: https://wsu.zoom.us/j/96204914022?pwd=WnRJT1hCTVh4aWxxcUdxQ0RsMThJdz09

Thursday, October 22, from 4:30-7:30 p.m. via Zoom: https://wsu.zoom.us/j/95898755230?pwd=N1BTRjBPbDFLbWxmdVNGeXBha2ZlUT09

The Notices and Announcements section is provided as a service to the WSU community for sharing events such as lectures, trainings, and other highly transactional types of information related to the university experience. Information provided and opinions expressed may not reflect the understanding or opinion of WSU. Accuracy of the information presented is the responsibility of those who submitted it. The self-uploaded posts are reviewed for compliance with state statutes and ethics guidelines but are not edited for spelling, grammar, or clarity.

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