PEBB Eligible Employees: Would you like to earn a $125 Wellness Incentive?

As a current WSU employee, you will have the chance to earn the 2016 Wellness Incentive by participating in SmartHealth 2015.  If you are enrolled in a PEBB medical plan, and are NOT enrolled in Medicare, you are eligible to participate by taking the following steps:

Step 1) Log in to to create your account.

Step 2) Take the SmartHealth Well-being Assessment.  This will earn you 800 points, and is a required step to be able to earn the incentive.

Bonus: if you complete your assessment before March 31, 2015, you will earn an extra 100 points.

Double Bonus:  if you complete by January 15, 2015, you could have your name entered into a random drawing for Seattle Seahawks’ playoff game tickets for Sunday, January 18, 2015.

Step 3) Participate in activities from the SmartHealth website that interest you, and keep track of your progress.

Once you have reached 2,000 points total, you will qualify for the incentive!  Deadline for completion is June 30, 2015.

For more information, please visit, or call the Human Resources office at 509-335-4521.

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