Order new bar code stickers for mail

Order new Postage Barcode Stickers using Workday tags.

Mailing Services would like to encourage you to order new postage barcode stickers using new Workday tags online at:  https://printing.wsu.edu/bar-code-stickers/.

We are working as quickly as we can to print your new labels, however, if you have submitted your online order, but have not received your new stickers yet, please affix a Post-It® note to your mailing that contains the following information: Cost Center, Fund, Function, and Region, and we will make sure your mail gets processed promptly.  ALSO provide Program, Grant, Gift, or Project if you want the job directly expensed at this level.

Starting January 19, 2021 we will no longer be able to guarantee processing times using old budget/project numbers. If for some reason you need more time to make the transition please contact Mailing Services at 509-335-2365 or mailing.services@wsu.edu.

The Notices and Announcements section is provided as a service to the WSU community for sharing events such as lectures, trainings, and other highly transactional types of information related to the university experience. Information provided and opinions expressed may not reflect the understanding or opinion of WSU. Accuracy of the information presented is the responsibility of those who submitted it. The self-uploaded posts are reviewed for compliance with state statutes and ethics guidelines but are not edited for spelling, grammar, or clarity.

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