Nominate faculty for Provost’s Leadership Academy

The nomination period is now open for this year’s edition of the Provosts’ Leadership Academy (PLA).

The PLA is an opportunity for Deans and Chancellors to recognize early and mid-career faculty who show promise as leaders and positive role models in their colleges or campuses. The PLA provides these faculty with a semester long training program that develops self-awareness, confidence and leadership skills, expands their networks within the University, brings them in touch with University leaders and builds knowledge of the University and its challenges.

Ninety of our faculty have participated in the first four cohorts of the PLA, and the reviews of the program have been very positive. For more information on the program, visit the website.

Please email nominations, or questions about the program, to Jerman Rose at by Friday, October 16. Thank you for your support of this important professional development program.

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