International Journal of Sport Communication call for papers

The International Journal of Sport Communication (IJSC) invites researchers, scholars, and professionals to contribute original research to a special issue exploring the multifaceted relationships between sport, politics, and communication. Topics of interest include political issues in sport communication, media representation of sport in various political systems, athlete activism, and the influence of social media on political discourse in sport.

To submit a manuscript, however, please go through the regular submission steps found on the IJSC website (please see link below). In the cover letter to the IJSC editor (Paul M. Pedersen, PhD, Indiana University), simply note that the submission is for the Politics, Sport, and Communication: A Global Review special issue.

Please reach out to Drs. Michael Mirer, Mahdi Latififrad, and Alex C. Gang — the guest editors of this special issue — at,, and with any questions regarding the special issue.

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