Flexible Spending Account Reminder: The last day to incur costs under your 2015 FSA is March 15!

If you were a 2015 Flexible Spending Account (FSA) participant and still have funds remaining in your 2015 account, you have until March 15 to incur expenses to claim for last year’s account.

Who’s Eligible? If you are enrolled in a Classic, Value or Accountable Care (newly available in 2016 in five western Washington counties) medical plan for 2016, or waived your WSU medical coverage for the 2016 plan year, you are eligible to make claims during this grace period. If you elected to enroll in a CDHP/HSA for 2016, you are NOT eligible for the annual grace period and you had until December 31, 2015 to use your 2015 FSA funds.

How Do I Participate? To participate in the annual grace period, you must submit all eligible expenses accrued between January 1, 2015 and March 15, 2016 for 2015 FSA reimbursement no later than March 31, 2016. After that date, any funds left in your 2015 account will be forfeited to the plan administrator.  

To submit your claim(s), you may 1) use the 2015 Navia Benefit Solutions claim form, or 2) logon to your account and submit your claim online at https://pebbportal.naviabenefits.com/part/logon.aspx, or 3) utilize your Flexi-Card. If using the Flexi-Card, Navia Benefit Solutions will first apply charges to any funds left in your 2015 account before using the 2016 account, provided you enrolled in an FSA again this year.

If you have any questions, please contact Navia Benefit Solutions at 800-669-3539 and speak to a PEBB Customer Service Representative or visit the above mentioned website.

Human Resource Services, 509-335-4521, hrs@wsu.edu.

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