Don’t miss out on your 2020 SmartHealth Wellness incentive

WSU Faculty and Staff have the opportunity to qualify for a $125 wellness incentive each year through SmartHealth. If you are enrolled in a WSU medical plan and continue to be eligible and enrolled in the coming plan year, the incentive will be applied toward your deductible or Health Savings Account in January 2020.

The deadline to earn the 2020 Wellness Incentive for most employees is September 30th*. Now is a great time to sign in, check your point balance, and make sure you have earned the points required to receive your Wellness Incentive for the year.

Earning points is simple! A good place to start is taking your Wellbeing Assessment. This can help you identify areas in your life that you may want to focus on. Additionally, by completing this assessment, you automatically receive 800 points and a taxable $25 Amazon Gift Card!

Start by identifying things you already do to keep yourself well. Once you’ve received points for those activities, you can choose a few new activities to accomplish through the end of the month to reach 2,000 points and receive your reward. Wellness is multifaceted, and there are many aspects of your personal wellbeing that can be improved with a little care and planning.

Almost there? Check out these great activities with higher points to help you reach your 2,000-point goal faster:

  • Live Your Purpose: Living your purpose means you know what inspires you to be your best and you actively engage in improving your wellbeing to support it. Share a description of how you are living your purpose on the SmartHealth Community to earn 150 points.
  • Explore Parks: Visit three National, Washington State, or local parks for an easy 200 points.
  • Reduce One Recurring Expense: Assess your current expenditures and choose one repeating item to reduce or eliminate expenditures on for 150 points.

To learn more and get started, visit the SmartHealth portal today!

*Employees hired after July 1, 2019 will have different deadlines, either 120 days from benefit eligibility or December 31, 2019, whichever is sooner.

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