Distinguished Speaker Series in Data Science: Lorenz Biegler, Oct. 8

You are cordially invited to join us at our next seminar in the Distinguished Speaker Series in Data Science featuring Lorenz (Larry) Biegler, Head and Bayer University Professor of Chemical Engineering at Carnegie Mellon. Dr. Biegler is a member of the National Academy of Engineering and has made many fundamental contributions to large-scale optimization algorithms and software, which are key enabling technologies for Data Science, and their application in engineering. His seminar, entitled “Physics-based and data-driven modeling for large-scale chemical processes“, will take place on Thursday October 8 at 7pm in CUE 202.

A poster containing bio, abstract, and other information about the talk is available here

Contact Assefaw Gebremedhin (assefaw@eecs.wsu.edu) with any questions about the seminar.

Further information about the speaker series in general is available here



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