My Commute: Learn the basics of commuting by bike

Learn the basics of commuting daily by bike with Mr. Lowell Kappmeyer and Dr. Rance Sellon. Join these bike commuting veterans for a panel discussion and seminar highlighting their daily commute to campus (WSU Pullman) Thursday, September 19, from 4 to 5 p.m. in the Chinook Student Center (Chinook 150).

Mr. Kappmeyer has been commuting 11 miles by bike each way from his home in Moscow for many years, and does so in all elements, including rain, snow, wind, or shine.  Dr. Sellon makes a consistent effort to continue commuting from his home between Albion and Pullman, roughly 200 days or more a year. Each have an impressive commitment and knowledge when it comes to commuting by bike, and they will be sharing some of that knowledge with an enlightening presentation.

Stop-in, bring a friend, and consider some ideas towards your commute options to campus. There will also be ample time for attendees to ask any questions regarding commuting by bike.

There are many other events going on in both Pullman and Moscow during Palouse Bike Week for all ages and abilities. Check out all the events for the third annual Palouse Bike Week schedule on the Pullman Chamber of Commerce website.

If you have any questions about the My Commute panel discussion and seminar, please contact Transportation Services at or by phone at 509-335-7275.

If you have questions regarding the third annual Palouse Bike Week please contact the Pullman Chamber of Commerce at or at 509-334-3565.Palouse Bike Week 2019 Schedule

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