How can mobile apps improve our health conditions?

My name is Majid Dadgar. I am fourth year Ph.D. student in Management Information Systems (MIS) at Washington State University, College of Business. My doctoral research is about the role of information technology (IT) in the management of treatments and symptoms, and promoting healthy lifestyle for the patients with diabetes. Management of treatments and symptoms of chronic diseases is known as self-management. The information technologies that can be used in the self-management range from using text message or phone call reminders to glucose monitoring systems for the diabetic patients and mobile apps. My research focus is on supporting human values important to the patients in designing systems and technologies. The opinions of the patients with chronic diseases are critical to my work and will greatly inform my research.

Upon your interest to participate in this study I will contact you with the details and instructions. You will be provided with an iOS mobile app specifically designed for improving self-management of diabetes. After using the mobile app for one week, we will meet for an in-depth 1 hours long interview. We will audio record and transcribe the interview for the research purposes. No personal information will be used and we will de-identify all the collected information. Any data and information collected in this study will be used solely for research purposes. You will be compensated for your participation with $25 Amazon gift card.

If you are interested to participate in this research, please complete the digital version of the survey at the following link and I will contact you with more instruction to schedule a meeting:

Survey Link:


You will qualify to participate in this research only if:

  • You have Pre-Diabetes or Diabetes type 1 or Diabetes Type 2
  • You own an iPhone or an Android phone

Should you have any question, you can reach me at

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