Apply now: George and Joan Berry Faculty Success Grant for early-career faculty at WSU

ADVANCE at WSU is pleased to announce a new grant opportunity for WSU faculty. The deadline for applications is April 1.

The George and Joan Berry Faculty Success Grant is intended to support early-career women and under-represented faculty (pre-tenure) in any discipline at WSU. Grants may be used to support activities related to their scholarship and that will contribute to promotion and professional success. Applicants may seek support of up to $5,000 for activities such as (but not limited to): traveling to conduct research, data collection, traveling to participate in conferences or professional meetings, lab equipment, funding for an RA or GA, or seeking course buyouts to allow faculty time for research and/or manuscript and grant writing. Proposals must demonstrate the way in which grant funding will serve to enhance the faculty member’s scholarship and career success at WSU. Faculty engaged in research related to gender are particularly encouraged to apply.

Find more information about eligibility and how to apply.

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