Join the VAuLTS Program today!

The Values-based Academic Leadership Trajectories for Women in STEM, or VAuLTS Program, is now accepting applications for new participants. Supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) $1.2 million (NSF) ADVANCE Partnership Award, VAuLTS was designed to empower mid-career women faculty in STEM to seek career advancement and leadership opportunities in higher education throughout the Northwest. Wednesday, Sept. 6; Wednesday, Sept. 13

The VAuLTS Program is open to any Associate Professor rank women faculty in a STEM discipline. If you are interested in participating but aren’t sure that you qualify, or have questions, please email us!

Program participation includes completing the new virtual VAuLTS leadership training program, connecting with an external mentor, and regular community of practice discussions at with colleagues across the Pacific Northwest. Please email the VAuLTS Program if you are interested in participating or have any questions at

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Undergraduate researchers receive $61,000 in 2024-25 fellowships

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Incoming provost shares message

T. Chris Riley-Tillman shared his plans to host college-wide meetings this fall as part of a message to WSU faculty system-wide Monday afternoon. His first day is July 1.