Pullman SSLVPN Client Migration

Information Technology Services is shifting all Pullman SSLVPN traffic from the legacy Cisco SSLVPN service over to a new Palo Alto GlobalProtect SSLVPN client. Both SSLVPN clients are currently running in parallel, allowing users time to shift processes and documentation. On August 30, ITS will fully migrate all Pullman SSLVPN traffic through the new Palo Alto GlobalProtect application, and the Cisco resource will no longer be offered.

Please note this only affects the Pullman SSLVPN.

Be sure to uninstall the Cisco AnyConnect client prior to installing the Palo Alto GlobalProtect client. The portal on the new VPN is vpn.wsu.edu.

Documentation is available at:

Please direct all questions to crimsonservicedesk@wsu.edu.

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