2014 Samuel H. Smith Leadership Award – Call for Nominations

Nominations are being sought for AFW’s Samuel H. Smith Leadership Award. The Samuel H. Smith Leadership Award was established in 2000 to show AFW’s appreciation to President Emeritus Smith for his leadership in advancing the role of women at WSU. The award winner will be recognized at the December 9th meeting of the AFW and at WSU’s Showcase in 2015.

The criteria for the award are as follows: “The recipient of the Award shall be an AFW member whose leadership has advanced the role of women in the Washington State University system and/or who has demonstrated leadership in higher education, the community, or her profession at the local, state, regional, national or international level.” Nominations should consist of a statement (no more than 1-2 pages) outlining the contributions of the outstanding AFW member relative to the stated criteria, along with the nominee’s current Curriculum Vitae. Letters of support are welcome but not required. Active and emeritus AFW members are eligible for the award.

Send nominations (in PDF format) by November 7, 2014 to
Margaret Black, AFW Samuel H. Smith Leadership Award Committee Chair (blackm@wsu.edu).

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