
Joshua Neumiller takes on national diabetes leadership role

By Lori Maricle, WSU College of Pharmacy, SPOKANE, Wash. – Joshua Neumiller, professor of pharmacotherapy at Washington State University’s College of Pharmacy, has been named chair of the Professional Practice Committee for the American Diabetes Association. 

Assistant supports student learning

Office assistant ready to help handle changes in pharmacy department   Terri Rothwell is proud to represent one piece of the larger picture.   As an office assistant in pharmacotherapy at WSU Spokane, she supports students who are going to impact others, so   “through them, I’m able to help people.”   Rothwell, who has […]

Antibiotic-resistant bacteria: Who is winning the battle?

Physicians and clinicians face an ongoing challenge: to keep up with increasingly stubborn, resistant bacteria that cause significant infections. The more exposure bacteria have to our available antibiotics, the higher their chances of evolution into a resistant form, with serious effects on medical care.The heavy use of antibiotics, from hand soap ingredients to prescriptions, for […]