
June 11: China medical school university seeks partnership

By Craig Lawson, International Programs  PULLMAN, Wash. – A Chinese university with a strong medical college seeks to collaborate with Washington State University on student exchanges and summer programs. Representatives will make a presentation to the WSU community at 1:30 p.m. Thursday, June 11, in CUB 204.

Five win awards for international research collaboration

By Craig Lawson, International Programs PULLMAN, Wash. – Five faculty are recipients of the third annual International Research Travel Awards (IRTA) at Washington State University. Each will receive $2,000-$5,000 to promote and strengthen their international research collaborations.

Programs benefit as health management joins nursing

By Alli Benjamin, College of Nursing SPOKANE, Wash. – Enhanced graduate education and collaboration in nursing and health management will result now that the Department of Health Policy & Administration (HPA) at Washington State University is part of the WSU College of Nursing.

WSU takes action to promote international engagement

By Jane Payumo, Office of International Programs PULLMAN, Wash. – A systematic, university-wide program for international collaboration as well as resources supporting individual faculty efforts were called for and discussed at the recent Washington State University international research forum, “Beyond International Talk.”

Jan. 28: Research forum advances international collaborations

By Theresa Howlett, Office of International Programs PULLMAN, Wash. – Strengthening and expanding Washington State University’s international research and innovation activity is the goal of “Beyond International Talk,” 2-5 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 28, in Lighty 405. Polycom will be provided for the regional and extension campuses.

Reorganization increases efficiency, collaboration

PULLMAN, Wash. – The Washington State University Office of Student Affairs and Enrollment is reorganizing several key units to increase efficiency and internal collaboration to better serve students. Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment John Fraire has been working with the units for several months getting ready for the transition and believes staff members […]