Seven awards recipients were recently announced, and will be honored at the annual Showcase celebration in March. Reservations for showcase events, including the Distinguished Faculty Address luncheon and Celebrating Excellence recognition banquet, mayb be made Feb. 6-March 13. Prices, other information and instructions for making reservations can be found online at: Griswold Eminent Faculty […]
PULLMAN – A report on the log truck industry just delivered to the state legislature indicates that the number of traffic accidents involving log trucks declined 11 percent while collisions for all commercial trucks increased by 15 percent in Washington between 2004 and 2006. “This safety record has been built by drivers who have […]
Kenneth L. Casavant, a Washington State University faculty member and researcher in its College of Agricultural, Human, and Natural Resource Sciences, will present the 2004 Distinguished Faculty Address on April 7. Casavant is known nationally as one of the leading transportation economists in the country. He was chosen a keynote speaker at the last three […]
Agricultural and resource economics professors Ken Casavant and Doug Young were chosen as two of the three inaugural Distinguished Scholars of the Western Agricultural Economics Association. This is the highest recognition for individuals making an enduring contribution over their careers to agricultural, resource, and/or environmental economics in the western states and provinces and the WAEA. […]