WSU Everett celebrates 10 years of STEM education in North Puget Sound

In 2012, 24 mechanical engineering students began their studies at Washington State University on the Everett Community College Campus. This year, Voiland College of Engineering and Architecture celebrates 10 years of STEM education in the North Puget Sound region. Voiland College students, faculty, staff, and alumni from WSU Everett are making a difference from coast to coast. 

Founding faculty member Xiaopeng Bi is thrilled with how far the program has grown in the last decade. “We had classes at EvCC in the fall and spring, and then we sent students to Pullman in the summer to have labs we didn’t offer yet,” he remembers. “Since we didn’t have enough lab space in Everett, the students came up with “labs in the cart,” using a cart to move equipment in and out of the classroom and storage. We had so much fun with that.” 

One of the labs-in-the-cart projects initiated by the engineering class of 2014 became a sensation. Its Mars Rover won second place in the international University Rover Challenge competition in 2016. “Creative problem solving is a skill our students have a lot of experience with,” Bi said. 

Now, a decade since Voiland College made its debut at WSU Everett, the campus offers 10 bachelor’s degree programs through WSU’s College of Arts and Sciences, CAHNRS, Carson College of Business, and the Edward R. Murrow College of Communication. They also operate in a 95,000-square-foot building filled with the state-of-the-art equipment students need to prepare for the workforce. “We are proud to make higher education accessible to students who need to be closer to home, work opportunities, and family,” said Chancellor Paul Pitre. “Our commitment to creating new programs and connecting students with rewarding careers has never been stronger.” 

To commemorate their success, the Everett Campus is publishing an interactive map, “Where in the World are the Voiland EverCougs?”, where all Voiland College EverCougs can share where they are today.

The interactive map is a way to stay connected and visualize the network of engineering professionals growing in our region due to the Voiland programs at WSU Everett.

“Our goal is to share this milestone with the world,” says Corrie Wilder, Executive Director of Marketing and Communication for the WSU Everett campus. “To have a Voiland College presence in Everett is an important way WSU fulfills its land-grant mission to make high-quality education in high-demand fields accessible to all.”

Voiland EverCougs can add their location to the interactive map. Additional events for the Voiland College 10th Anniversary celebration will be published on the WSU Everett website.

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