WSU online graduate business programs move up in Poets&Quants ranking

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Poets&Quants ranked online MBA and executive MBA programs from Washington State University’s Carson College of Business as No. 12 in their 2021 rankings of The Best Online MBA Programs moving up from No. 16 in 2020.

“Our goal is to be the first choice for working students seeking an affordable, quality online business education from a Pacific Northwest university, and we are always pleased when our programs are recognized,” said Chip Hunter, Carson College dean. “The leap from 16 to 12 in the rankings demonstrates our commitment to provide an excellent, 100% online program to students across the globe. Our growing enrollment numbers, and the positive feedback from graduates and their employers, show that our 10+ years of expertise in the online space is producing great results.”

Poets&Quants is a leading international authority on the quality of business programs, known for its independence and focus on student success. The organization’s rankings for online MBA and executive MBA programs were determined by the quality of WSU online MBA students, alumni assessment of the program experience and career outcomes of the program’s alumni. The alumni survey sought recent graduates’ impressions on a range of topics, as well as whether the program fulfilled their expectations and if they would recommend it to others.

“Students enrolled in Carson College of Business MBA programs access course content and engage with faculty and classmates 100% online,” said Cheryl Oliver, Carson College associate dean for professional programs. “We invest in students, the center of our programs, to support them as they develop relationships, master skills and achieve their professional goals.”

Being selected for this recognition is especially meaningful because it requires Carson College alumni to answer a survey about their program experience, she said. “We are grateful, especially during these challenging times, that they used their valuable time to confirm the value of their MBA. Regardless of external recognition, we are committed to adding value through outstanding, accessible business education for our students, alumni and their employers.”

For more information, visit Carson College of Business Online MBA and Executive MBA Online programs.

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