Feb. 1: Winter School helps Northeast Washington landowners keep forests healthy, safe

A deer in a forest in the winter

Owners of forests in northeast Washington will have the opportunity to learn how to keep their forests productive and healthy, wildlife-friendly, and safe from wildfire at the Forest Owners Winter School, Saturday, Feb. 1, in Colville, Wash.

The WSU Stevens County Extension educational event will be held at the Colville branch of the Community Colleges of Spokane, 985 S. Elm St., Colville. Doors open at 8 a.m., presentations begin at 9 a.m.

Experts in forest management, wildlife, soils, tools, and more will share information that helps forest owners and managers learn how to achieve goals, protect the health and beauty of their land, and steward their financial investments.

Participants will be able to attend up to six 50‑minute presentations, choosing from more than a dozen topics including common tree and shrub identification, advice for landowners before logging, wildlife habitat, big game, songbirds, chainsaw safety and maintenance, common forest insects and diseases, fire protection, and more. Contractors will be available to discuss mechanical thinning, chipping, and other brush disposal choices for reducing wildfire hazard.

There will also be a resource area featuring equipment exhibitors, vendors, and public, private, and nonprofit organizations that provide products and services to assist landowners. Speak with private consulting foresters and public agency service foresters, and arrange to have a forester or wildlife biologist take a walk in the woods on your own property. Refreshments will be available.

Advance registration by Feb. 4 is $30 per person, $40 per family. Registration after Feb. 4 and at the door is $40, $50 per family. Box lunches will be available for $10, and must be pre‑purchased by Feb. 4.

Register or learn more at forestry.wsu.edu.

Media contact:

  • Andy Perleberg, WSU Extension Forester, 509‑667‑6540, andyp@wsu.edu

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