Be a good neighbor

PULLMAN-This week Washington State University teams up with the City of Pullman to encourage WSU students to be good neighbors to each other and others in the community.

Pullman Mayor Glenn Johnson will join WSU Dean of Students Luci Loera, students from the Associated Students of Washington State University (ASWSU), and staff members from the Division of Student Affairs, Equity and Diversity in distributing magnets around the WSU community, today, Sept. 4, 7:30-8:30 a.m. and noon-1:00 p.m.

Teams of volunteers will greet students in high-traffic areas such as the Greek community, the Glenn Terrell Mall and the Valley Road area near Stadium Way and Merman Drive.

Project Coordinator Keith Kelley said the WSU Office of the Dean of Students implemented the face-to-face approach last year and the response from students was very positive. “This is a great way to enjoy the great sunshine and connect with both students and colleagues alike who share a common vision for a welcoming campus community.”

The magnets are titled, “Always –Be a Good Neighbor—All Ways.” It provides ten examples such as taking pride in their residence, being considerate of those around them, and making an effort to get to know their neighbors. 

 “I think it’s cool that students can be a part of something like this,” said Branden Scheller, ASWSU President. “We are in a unique position to be attending a big university like this and still feel very much part of the larger community. Efforts like this help make WSU and Pullman such a great place to live.”

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