Castoffs contributeto the community

One person’s trash is another person’s treasure — or at least reusable item. That is the theory behind the Move-Out & Pitch-In program April 23-May 11 on College Hill and throughout WSU Pullman residence halls.
(Above, a dumpster that was not part of the Move-Out & Pitch-In effort displays the mess that can result. Top, volunteers load a pickup to take items left by students in a designated Move-Out & Pitch-In trailer to agencies that can use them. Photos courtesy of Bobbie Ryder)
The program provides an opportunity for students to donate used items in good condition to area nonprofit organizations. The groups will give the items to needy local families or sell the items to raise money for their causes.
“The objective is to take these items and, rather than have them go into the landfill, put them back into use by people who have needs,” said Bobbie Ryder, senior campus planner with capital planning and development.
Three collection containers will be provided by Pullman Disposal for College Hill — in the parking lot of St. James Episcopal Church, the Congregational Church lot on the corner of Campus and Opal streets, and the parking lot next to the president’s residence on the corner of Monroe and Campus streets.
Harvest House will set up a trailer in the Zoe Café parking lot on the corner of Merman and Terre View.
“Last year, with Move-Out & Pitch-In, the cleanliness on College Hill was the best it has been in years,” said Ryder, who has worked on community revitalization efforts since 1999.
“There is an opportunity here for changing the culture around trash and junk on College Hill,” she said.
Donated items will go to various nonprofit organizations, including Palouse Industries, St. James Episcopal Church, Deary Community Services, Sacred Heart Social Justice, Harvest House and Ritzville Pet Rescue.
“This program affects families within a 50-75 mile radius of Pullman,” Ryder said. “It is a student driven recycling program that really helps the community.”
It is also important for the university because, although WSU doesn’t own all the houses on College Hill, many people view the area as an extension of the WSU campus.
“Improving the appearance of College Hill is important for university image,” Ryder said.
Ad Club available to help with promotions
Move-Out & Pitch-In stepped up its promotions this year by involving the WSU Advertising Club. “They came in with great ideas,” said Bobbie Ryder, senior campus planner for capital planning and development.
The club, which is comprised of students who volunteer their time to develop flyers, brochures and other promotional items, provides services free, said Elaina Methot, club president.
“It’s really about the experience for us,” Methot said. “It provides us with invaluable hands-on experience.”
 Ryder has worked with the Ad Club to promote various projects, including the Women’s Leadership Forum and the upcoming Pullman Civic Trust May Day celebration. “They really know the avenues to use to reach students,” Ryder said.
Any department or individual interested in getting assistance from the Ad Club can e-mail

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