Campus environment equity and diversity

WSU President V. Lane Rawlins and Michael J. Tate, interim vice president for equity and diversity, will hold a dialogue on campus environment, equity and diversity issues from noon to 1 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 14 in Cascade Room 127 of the Compton Union Building.

The forum will provide an opportunity for members of the campus community to hear Rawlins and Tate discuss campus diversity issues. Time also will be
provided for a question-and-answer session and for members of the audience to share their ideas and opinions.

Tate began his new duties as interim vice president Sept. 1. Rawlins announced the creation of the position earlier this year.

“It is my goal to engage the entire community in addressing issues of equity and diversity. Together we need to develop a comprehensive plan that builds upon our past successes and capitalizes on the opportunities we have before us,” Tate said. “I am excited to be in position to lead the university in such an important area.”

Tate has also announced new staff assignments within his department. Felicia Gaskins, formerly associate vice provost for human relations and
diversity, is now associate vice president for equity and diversity. She will continue to provide direct supervision for many of the offices within the area and will serve as interim director for the Center for Human Rights.

Steve Nakata, formerly director for the Office of Multicultural Student Services, is now director of communications and public relations for Tate’s office. J. Manuel Acevedo, formerly associate director for the Office of Multicultural Student Services, has assumed the director position. Acevedo has worked in the office for 13 years.

Joining the staff within the Center for Human Rights on a part-time, temporary basis is Raul Sanchez. Sanchez served as a special assistant to the president for diversity at the University of Idaho until May this year. He presently is teaching two courses at the University of Idaho Law School.

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