WSU Alum to Give Lecture at Department of Anthropology

PULLMAN, Wash. – A Washington State University alumnus and expert on anthropology will lecture on “A.L. Kroeber’s Measurement of Time’s Arrow and Time’s Cycle” at 4:10 p.m. Friday, March 29, in College Hall, Room 125.

R. Lee Lyman, chair of the department of anthropology at the University of Missouri, will chronicle Kroeber’s work with frequency seriation, the passage of time, time-series analysis and the cultural transmission of these tools.

Lyman received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from WSU before earning a doctoral degree from the University of Washington. His areas of expertise include zooarchaeology, vertebrate taphonomy and the history of method and theory in Americanist archaeology.

The lecture is part of the William D. Lipe Visiting Scholar in Archaeological Method and Theory Endowment. The endowment program brings a leading scholar to WSU each year to conduct a session of the Archaeological Method and Theory seminar.

The lecture is sponsored by the Anthropology Graduate Student Organization, the department of anthropology and the Museum of Anthropology.

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