RDAA nominations closing July 15

Don’t miss the opportunity to submit nominations of exceptional Washington State University alumni for this year’s Regents Distinguished Alumni Award (RDAA). The RDAA is the highest honor bestowed upon a WSU alumnus. The Regents’ Distinguished Alumnus Award was first presented in 1962. The Regents’ Distinguished Alumnus Award honors alumni who have made a truly distinguished contribution to society or who, through personal achievement, have brought distinction to WSU. One recipient is selected yearly. This a great way to reengage alumni while spotlighting their achievements.

Nominations for the RDAA are being accepted until July 15.

You can learn more about the award on the Regent’s web page.

The nomination form can be found online.

Questions? Contact the WSU Alumni Association at alumnievents@wsu.edu or 509-335-6902.

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