Public hearing: WAC 504‑15 — Campus parking and traffic regulations for WSU Pullman

Washington State University will conduct a public hearing on proposed revision to WAC chapter 504‑15 — Campus parking and traffic regulations for WSU Pullman on July 25 at 4 p.m. via Zoom. Join from or the Zoom app: Meeting ID 933 0346 5317, Passcode 067111. You may also join the Zoom meeting by telephone: 253-215-8782. Help connecting to a WSU Zoom meeting is available online. No in-person hearing locations are being scheduled for this hearing.

The university will adopt the revised rules based on the statutory authority found in RCW 28B.30.150.

You may review the proposed revised rules at or by requesting a copy from the Office of Policies, Records, and Forms at email, or telephone 509-335-2005.

You may testify at this meeting. You may also direct written comments to Deborah Bartlett, Director of Procedures, Records, and Forms, Rules Coordinator at email

Submit all written comments by 5 p.m., July 25.

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