Pre-retirement seminar June 12

Are you thinking about retiring?  Human Resource Services (HRS) will be conducting pre-retirement seminars to assist you with retirement planning. Topics include:

  • Retiree medical, dental, and life insurance enrollment processes;
  • Medicare and social security;
  • Voluntary Employee’s Benefit Association Medical Expense Plan (VEBA MEP);
  • Annual leave payment;
  • Voluntary investment programs;
  • Retirement income, and;
  • Retirement supplementation for WSURP participants.

These seminars are open to all Department of Retirement System (PERS/TRS/LEOFF) and WSU Retirement Plan (WSURP) participants.  You do not need to register to attend, but seating is limited and will be on a first-come, first-seated basis.

The seminar will be held on Wednesday, June 12, 2019, from 1:30 to 3 p.m., in French Administration Room 139.

This session will be available outside of Pullman via AMS Videoconferencing Services. To view locations already requested, visit the AMS Events Calendar. Additional site connections may be requested through 25 Live Calendar.  French Administration Room 139 is scheduled for video-conference for Pullman attendees.

For employees attending via video-conference, we will be referencing the following handouts:

WSURP Participant Checklist

PERS/TRS Participant Checklist

Premium Rates for Retiree Medical/Dental Insurance

Pre-retirement seminars are offered monthly.  For future dates, please visit the HRS Retirement Information website.

We hope that you are able to join us.

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