Events being held in Pullman to celebrate Earth Week

There are multiple events being held in Pullman to celebrate Earth Week. Check out a few of the offerings below.

  • Wall-E Screening, April 17, 6:30 p.m., CUB Auditorium. RSVP for a free goody bag and popcorn.
  • Clothing Swap, April 19, 1–4 p.m., Fulmer 204. Hosted by the Environmental Sustainability Alliance and the Environmental Science Club. Bring your gently used clothes to trade/donate!
  • Earth Day Community Cleanup, April 22, 10 a.m.–noon, Ruby St. Park. Come help us clean up alleyways OR the western bluff overlooking Missouri Flat Creek/Grand Ave to celebrate Earth Day. We’ll meet at Ruby Street Park at 10 a.m. on April 22, and will clean up together until noon. Dress for the weather and don’t forget a water bottle. Take a selfie while helping clean up and upload it with your impact to receive credit.
  • Pizza for the Planet, April 22, 12–4 p.m., Ruby St. Park. Come help out at this great event being put on by the Phoenix Conservancy, the College Hill Association, ASWSU, ESA, and the CCE. Volunteers will help collect and load pizza boxes from attendees, and help the event go smoothly.
  • Climate Rally, April 22, 4 p.m., Ruby St. Park. Eat donuts and color the sidewalk while advocating for Fossil Fuel divestment at WSU.
  • Climate Talk, April 23, 6:30 p.m., CUB Jr Ballroom. Dr. Jeffery Hicke will be speaking about climate change and solutions. RSVP for free plants and pizza.

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