EAP Wellness Wednesdays

The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is offering a “Wellness Wednesdays” series every Wednesday at noon in July, August, and September. The theme for July is “Strategies for Enhanced Energy and Vitality” and focuses on practical strategies to boost energy at different times of the day. Join the micro-sessions by registering online!

  • July 10: “Boosting Energy and Vitality in the Morning”
    Learn effective strategies to wake up refreshed and ready to tackle your day. This session covers the importance of a consistent morning routine, incorporating physical activity, mindfulness practices, and nutrition tips to boost your energy levels from the moment you wake up.
  • July 17: “Boosting Energy & Vitality in the Afternoon”
    Discover practical techniques to stay alert and productive during those crucial post-lunch hours. The benefits of short breaks, light exercise, and mindful practices, as well as nutritional tips to keep you energized and focused will be explored.
  • July 24: “Creating an Energizing Workspace”
    This session delves into the impact of lighting, ergonomics, color, and clutter management on your energy levels. Learn how to optimize your workspace to enhance concentration, reduce stress, and promote overall vitality.
  • July 31: “Nutrition for Sustained Energy”
    Understand the role of balanced meals, smart snacking, and proper hydration.

If you can’t attend the sessions, check out future dates or attend on-demand webinars on a variety of subjects.

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