Are you considering retiring? Join a pre-retirement seminar to assist you in your planning. Topics include:
- Retiree Medical, Dental, and Life Insurance Enrollment Processes;
- Medicare and Social Security;
- Voluntary Employee’s Benefit Association Medical Expense Plan (VEBA MEP);
- Annual Leave Payment;
- Voluntary Investment Programs;
- Retirement Income, and;
- Retirement Supplementation for WSURP participants.
These seminars are split into alternating sessions for Department of Retirement Systems (DRS) and WSU Retirement Plan (WSURP) participants. Please verify which plan you participate in to ensure you attend the correct seminar — in Workday, click Benefits and Pay, then Benefits > Benefit Elections.
DRS Participants
Date: Wednesday, June 7
Time: 9–10:30 a.m.
Zoom ID: 929 4229 9042
Zoom Password: 872447
Join Zoom session
We will be referencing the following handouts:
Pre-retirement seminars are offered monthly. For future dates, please visit the HRS Retirement Information website.
We hope that you are able to join us.