Cyber security tips: Caution with cloud services

Cloud computing is the use of an outside service provider to store, manage, or process university data. Examples of cloud services include Workday, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Docs, Microsoft OneDrive, Apple iCloud, etc. Although cloud services can help the university stay connected and allow employees to easily access data, there are additional risks with cloud services:

  • Potential data leaks or data breaches
  • Data loss
  • Access management

To mitigate risks, always get permission before using any cloud technologies and only use university approved cloud vendors.

Follow university policies regarding what data can and cannot be stored in the cloud and who can access the data. Some data is protected by regulatory or contractual obligations which may prevent the data from being stored in the cloud or in certain countries.

Keep university data secure by never copying or storing it on a personal computer or personal cloud account. Do not access personal cloud accounts with university owned computers.

Use a unique password for each of your cloud accounts.

See EP8 University Data Polices for more information.

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