Changes coming for 2025 PEBB benefits

The May 2024 edition of the For Your Benefit newsletter has been published and provides a heads up of what’s to come for the 2025 Open Enrollment period and plan year. Although only a few changes for 2025 have been announced so far, we want to make sure you are aware of the following:

  • The open enrollment period will be Oct. 28 through Nov. 25. This is a change in the historical practice of having open enrollment run for the month of November. So mark your calendars to be sure to have your Workday elections submitted no later than Nov. 25. (The event will show up in your Workday inbox on Oct. 28.)
  • Starting next year, vision benefits will be a separate benefit election and no longer be part of our medical plans. Therefore, during open enrollment you will need to make a vision plan election to one of the three plans that will be offered.

You can find more information in the newsletter, and as we learn more we will be posting it to the HRS Open Enrollment website.

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