Arts & Humanities Process Grant Proposal

As part of the Arts & Humanities Initiative, competitions will be held for funds to support faculty’s needs for research, scholarship, and creative activity. The grants are intended to support smaller items needed such as: materials, printing, tools, software, permissions, services (transcription or translation), event support, marketing, participant stipends, etc. Travel is not an eligible expense. Grants are open to all faculty engaged in work based in the Arts & Humanities, regardless of track, campus, or unit. We especially encourage faculty of color, queer, trans, gender non-binary, working-class and other underrepresented individuals to apply.

Individuals may apply for $500–$2,500, depending on need. Projects in their initial phases are highly encouraged but we welcome projects in any phase. We will award up to a total of $5,000 in Fall 2024.

Recipients will share a 3-minute flash talk during an event in Fall 2024.

Proposals are due Sept. 20.

For questions about the Arts & Humanities Process Grants, email

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