SEMINAR TODAY! Guest Speaker: Dr. Anthony Boccanfuso

The Office of Research invites the University community to a seminar featuring Dr. Anthony Boccanfuso, President of the University-Industry Demonstration Partnership (UIDP). His talk, “Why University Industry Partnerships Matter,” will take place on Thursday, May 31, at 3 p.m., in FSHN T101.

Basic research, much of which emanates from the world’s outstanding academic laboratories, is the foundation for the innovation that has created the new therapies, materials, and processes that benefit humankind and generate wealth for companies that successfully translate discoveries to commercial success. This is not a linear, one-way process; optimizing the process of discovery to innovation demands dynamic and multifaceted approaches to teaming at the university-industry interface. This presentation will explore some contemporary issues, new approaches and some trends impacting industry-academic engagement including:

  • The Partnership Continuum – what are the myriad of ways to collaborate
  • Metrics – How to measure the return on investment in these collaborations
  • New Models – what universities are doing to advance collaborations
  • Co-creation – the ability to garner other sponsors for U-I collaborations

Dr. Boccanfuso has had a distinguished career in the research management and science policy arenas and has held a variety of positions at several universities, the National Science Foundation and the National Institutes of Health. He is also chair of the MedStar Health Research Institute.

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