PERS 2 and LEOFF 2 participants: Contribution rate change

Effective July 1, 2019, participants in the Public Employee Retirement Systems (PERS) and Law Enforcement and Fire Fighters System (LEOFF) will see a slight change in employee contributions.  The PERS 2 rate will be increasing from 7.41% to 7.9%, and LEOFF 2 will see a decrease from 8.75% to 8.59% with the changes being reflected on your July 25, 2019 paycheck.

These rates are subject to change by the Legislature, and are established every two years.

Additional information on contribution rate related legislation and historical contribution rates, please visit the DRS website.

Have you activated your online PERS or LEOFF account?  If not, visit  Use your account to run benefit estimates, review your service credit accruals, and update beneficiaries.

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