PEBB Eligible Employees: Medical plans for 2016

The annual open enrollment period in November is an opportunity to change your medical plan. If you don’t wish to change medical or dental plans for 2016, you do not need to take any action.

All the plans that are currently offered in 2015 will continue in 2016 with the addition of three new plans available in select areas. This includes the four Traditional Health Plans, three Consumer-Directed Health Plans (CDHPs), and three new Accountable Care Plans for employees who work or reside in King, Snohomish, Pierce, Thurston, or Kitsap counties. For more information please visit the PEBB Open Enrollment webpage, and chose ‘New Medical Plan Options’.

You can compare plans side-by side with the following resources: Online Medical Benefit Comparison, and a Medical Benefit Cost Comparison Chart.

For more information, including a summary of the changes in benefits for 2016, the 2016 premiums rates and other resources, please visit the HRS Open Enrollment webpage.

Contact Benefit Services at 509.335.4521 or email with questions.

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