PEBB Eligible Employees: Life insurance premiums are decreasing and long term disability premiums are increasing in 2016

The premiums for Supplemental and AD&D Life Insurance are decreasing and Long Term Disability (LTD) insurance premiums are increasing effective January 1, 2016. If you would like to change your coverage, you can do so at any time since there is no open enrollment period for Life and LTD insurance.

New premiums rates can be found by clicking following links: Life Insurance Rates and LTD Insurance Rates.

To make coverage adjustments:

  • Life Insurance, visit Insurance, and complete an Enrollment/Change form, and also the Evidence of Insurability form if increasing coverage.
  • LTD Insurance, visit Term Disability, and complete an Enrollment/Change form, and also the Evidence of Insurability form if enrolling for the first time, or lowering your waiting period.

If you would like to review your current benefit elections/coverage, log on to your myWSU account and click on “Employee Benefits”.

For more information or questions please contact HRS at 509-335-4521 or email

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