PEBB Eligible Employees: How to make changes during open enrollment

During November, you can make changes to your PEBB account that will take effect January 1, 2016. You can choose to make your changes online or on paper forms.

 Online Changes

Go to the PEBB website and select the Log in to My Account link on the left side of the page. You’ll see which plans you currently have and if there are any family members enrolled on your account. You can change your medical and dental plans, waive medical coverage, remove family members, and re-attest to the spousal premium surcharge. Please print or save your confirmation page when you’re done for your own records and check your account after a few days to verify you have the coverage you want and your spousal premium surcharge attestation for 2016 is correct.

Paper Form Changes

Forms are available on the WSU Open Enrollment website, under their associated topic.   Please submit all forms by November 30th, the last working day of the month, to HRS located in French Administration Room 139, or PO Box 641014, Pullman, WA 99164-1014, or campus zip 1014, or fax 509-335-1259.

Any questions can be directed to HRS at 509-335-4521 or

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